

The General Tax Authority Receives Students from Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Thani High School for Boys

Within the framework of the General Tax Authority’s keenness to spread tax culture among society, the authority has received the students of Ahmed Bin Mohammed Al Thani High School for Boys, where the students received a training course over the span of a full working day with the aim of elevating their tax culture and linking their curriculum to the local reality. Through the training course, the students were introduced to the role the authority plays in supporting the country’s economy and highlighting taxes in general, as one of the tools to diversify the sources of income for the country, as well as the laws issued by the State of Qatar in this regard, such as the Income Tax Law and the Excise Tax Law. In addition, they were educated on the legal ramifications of tax evasion, how to avoid penalties and given an introduction on nurturing voluntary compliance. 


In addition, the training course discussed the main themes and objectives of taxes as one of the sources of public revenue, and how the revenue is redistributed among government sectors and services provided to individuals, to achieve equality and economic stability in the country, as well as supporting and developing other economic sectors with the aim of encouraging investments in them. 


The General Tax Authority always seeks to contribute towards promoting the spread of tax culture and to participate in supporting field training for students, in order to raise the level of tax awareness among society.  




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